Quiet Serenity

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117

Puffins had nested along the Maine coast on at least 6 islands: Eastern Egg Rock, Western Egg Rock, Large Green Island, Mantinicus Rock, Seal Island and Machias Seal Island. By the early 1900’s, there wad only one pair of puffins left south of the Canadian border. That pair lived on Mantinicus Rock, a lonely pile of rocks 22 miles off the coast in Penobscot Bay. After Manitous Rock’s lighthouse keepers began protecting the puffins from hunters, the puffins began to come back and there are now about 150 pairs that nest there. Puffins had always remained on Machias Seal Island on Canadian border which today supports a breeding colony of over 110 pairs of puffins. Original Size: 36 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on linen

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