
Cherokee Indian & Bison’s

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Original Size: 36 x 40 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Several species that are truly endangered. This includes the plains and fauna that all species need to survive. The sun is setting on the landscape and the species. They are all [...]

Jacque Cousteau & 3 Whales

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Original Size: 55 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Scientists believe that whales heads contain organs the broadcast and receive the loud clicks, called “clangs”, that form their language. But in this painting, they are greeting each other above the ocean in a joyous greeting which [...]

Lebron James and Giraffe

Endangered Patterns on both subjects skin, who is really endangered. The pattern on each subject is distinct to each creature which will cause their extinction because it really doesn't protect them from today predators. The Giraffes which there are(6 diffrent species), more endangered then Elephants today from poachers. Original Size: 48 x [...]

Donny Maloney Jr.

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Hockey player  Donny Maloney Jr.& Bengal Tiger on the ice. Check out the patterns of the rocks and the patterns on the tiger.While the human only has the markings of a team. Original Size: 30 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on [...]

Mrs. Richard Patricia Johnson

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Mrs. Richard Patricia Johnson and wild Florida foxes in the background. Looking into West Palm Beach across the international coast from Palm Beach. Hoping that some of the foxes have survived in West Palm Beach. Original Size: 32 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on linen [...]

Nude & Sea Turtle

Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Nude women an a Hawks Bill Sea Turtle. Who's looking into the sea and questioning if the Hawks Bill sea turtle will have laid her eggs? For the next generation to hatch because it takes 20 years for a sea turtle to become able to reproduce themselfs. Original Size: 36 x 30 inches Medium: Oil on [...]


Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 View of a woman from behind to show the grace and movement plus the smoothness of the skin with the texture of the background. Original Size: 24 x 18 inches Medium: Oil on [...]


Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 Nude resting on a bed with the sky and clouds in the background. Original Size: 18 x 24 inches Medium: Oil on [...]


Please call for original pricing 561.234.0117 The pattern of the fabric and the structure of the shadows on the human body dance across the page. Original Size: 24 x 18 inches Medium: Oil on [...]


Copyright 2018. Susan Andreasen